
Seeing Our Emotions & Thoughts Just As They Are

In the following quote, Pema Chodron eloquently describes the core of this work.

“It’s seeing our emotions and thoughts just as they are right now, in this very moment, in this very room.  It’s about not trying to make them go away, not trying to become better than we are, but just seeing clearly with precision and gentleness.

The problem is that the desire to change is fundamentally a form of agreesion toward yourself.  The other problem is that our hang-ups, unfortunately or fortunately, contain our wealth.”

And this can be re-membered by simply softening our bellies!

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–Be light, Mary

  1. What a truthful comment you’ve posted Mary. When I decided to truly see myself and listen to my inner me I felt like riding in a roller-coster… at times joyful & at times not so much. I’ve learned how to make friends with my ego in order to move on and now I am certainly enjoying this process and learning a lot as well. I’ve been following your site and receive your e-mails and I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom to us all. God Bless and enjoy today, Tomorrow & EVER!

  2. Today I got to feel total humiliation. It was a situation of my own making. I see it, I could feel it and boy did I want to make the feeling go away. As I stayed with it, because there was no way out of the situation, it was a more full body experience than some of the other emotions all by themselves, I found humiliation contained so many other emotions – anger, embarrassment, sadness, frustration.

    My ego is little lighter now, I’m a little more humble, and a lot wiser.

    Watching myself feel humiliation, breathing to stay with it, wrestling with trying to find a way out of the feeling and situation to no avail, opening more to the complexity of the feelings, finding compassion and acceptance for myself and choices and finding the diamonds buried in the coal and soot. Then I could feel grateful for what life and my intution brought me to learn and grow from. What a process.

  3. Thank you, Kimba, for your kind comments, and keep up your good work of awakening. As you do, you are not only healing yourself, but also the world.

    Be Light,