
Being Here for Yourself

I live in 107-year-old cottage, nestled under 155-year-old maple tree. When I moved here 23 years ago, I was surrounded by other quaint cottages. But the city I live in is a hot real estate market and slowly the cottages are being replaced by huge houses with postage stamp yards. 

I’ve always been sensitive to sounds, so much so that I carry earplugs with me wherever I go. When the sounds of new construction showed up around my house, I would go to the room furthest away from the construction and put in my earplugs. But that is not working this year. There is construction going on in front of my house and behind it, and the big dump trucks idle beside my house while waiting for their load of dirt. So much noise! 

At first my mind reacted. My home is my sanctuary, and it feels like it is being invaded. How can I possibly deal with this much noise for the next 9 months, noise so loud at times it shakes my house? Also, the room where I meditate every morning is just feet away from one of the building sites. And I’m amazed at how early construction starts. Also, because I’m dealing with cancer, it is very essential that I rest in the afternoon and that has certainly become a hit or miss proposition. 

The first morning both the sites were up and running I could feel panic rising inside of me. As my body and mind tightened and I recognized that I was not only resisting life, but also, I was turning away from what I was experiencing, my heart openedI realized that this part of me that feels invaded by sound is the tip of the iceberg of the deep invasion I experienced on all levels when I was growing up. And this feeling of being trapped and all alone needed my accepting attention. 

So instead of being a victim to all the noise, getting lost in the old belief that this is happening to me, I remembered it is for meIt is an opportunity to be present for this very young and very terrified part of me, which has waited a long, long time for somebody to see it and acknowledge its experience. Although I have met it many times in my life, I have never had an opportunity where it was close to the surface for long periods of time so I could enfold it in my heart in a more continuous way. 

I have had a month of stereo construction and there are moments where the feeling of being trapped shows up and rising from the depth is a feeling that says it’s all too much. But the greatest gift I’m getting from this time is a deeper realization that resisting whatever life is offering only creates more suffering. Resistance tightens my body and my mind as it closes my heart. It is a profound realization on this journey back to life when our actual resistance to life wakes us up!  

When I realize I am again resisting life, I then work with my breath to calm down my frightened mind and this calms down my panicked body. Then it is safe for my heart to open again and I realize that life has brought this experience to me so that I can learn how to relate to what is going on rather than being lost in my resistant mind.  

Of course, there are moments when I get caught but fairly quickly, I see it is the exact opposite of the openness I live a lot of the time. I then remember that all this suffering inside of me needs my accepting attention. Every single part of me, whether it is a sensation in my body, a feeling or thoughts in my head, deserves my loving and accepting attention. Then, I am back home in my heart!  

  1. Thank you, Mary, for always sharing what I need at the moment 🌸
    Recognizing the resistance to life going on around us and accepting and opening to it.

    I AM sorry for the loud disturbing noise surrounds your sanctuary.
    Sending Love,

    1. Thank you, Marsha. The noise is definitely a challenge but it is bringing me deeper to myself. Be light!

  2. Thank you Mary. This comes on a morning when I did not want to open my eyes and get out of bed. A recent fall has prevented a lot of activity and I have allowed it to overtake my daily thoughts. Your words always are so meaningful to me exactly when I need it the most. I feel more positive already and you are the first one I “met” this morning. Sending love and gratitude.

    1. I love when my experience can help others. Thank you for sharing your experience. Be light!

  3. Oh Mary,
    Your sharing of your experience is such a powerful reminder. It has been a few years since I have seen you in person but your words re-awaken the strong flowing current of Openness that I first experienced in our work together.
    Cancer? Ahhhh. Sending you loving support and a huge thank you, for sharing your experience. And helping me, yet agsin, connect to mine

  4. Thank you for sharing. You are such a great and Big inspiration. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️Thank you. Often I think of My wonderful time together with you on the retreat in Denmark.Really a turn around for me. You are such a great inspiration. Thank you Mary.
    I always look forward to your mails -which always uplift and give me strength to move forward knowing that life always is for me. ❤️
    Love and all the best to you🙏❤️😘

    1. That was a wonderful retreat! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Love and the best to you as well.

  5. Reading this I experienced myself both emotionally and physically what must be a mere fraction of what you are going through. Such a strong belief system or faith is beyond my comprehension for an assault on your life of such magnitude.

    1. This kind of work has taught me to move towards myself and what I am feeling instead of tightening. It makes such a difference. Thank you for your comment. Be light.

  6. Beautiful words, thank you dear Mary, Thank you for sharing, so clearly and even indeed aptly timed for this soul!!!!. You express so exquisitely how within the immediacy of all energy, incognito momentum, a direct choice is being made when we come from one’ssoul…. when and as the subtlety of soul holds, open acceptance to all that is unlimited freedom shines in wonder.

    Rhe wonder and power that emanates everything everyone the relationships with self and all that is moving the processof being doing having…..
    All our impacts…. awarenesses moment by moment a conscious attention freeing any all tension for falling away, to fall “a way” a natural breathing of remaining as soul, soul’s presence here in physicality, in Truth so incognito, so full, so content, light, free and yes “sensitive” to sensory input and output energy monitoring and evolving completeness of immutable travelling Truth.
    So easy to be at total peace when peace is felt in the present, but to stabilise in peace when challenges are present not so easy, but always, in all ways…. peace is possible….as souls seat of eternity is still sweet silent power that disturbs eternity its marking of …….. wonder”full” wonder abd wandering journeying.

    To remain openly as a being of peace, purest love powerful benevolent resonant actioning is what. this observing you describe so beautifully, not resisting but a receiving tge gift of tge moments purity, light and might of pure soyl Yruth, its awareness, the joy to “know”, centre and accept grow out the teachings all within all moments; one by one as they arrive we, l the soul, you, all are unlimited souls having opportunities to thank the presence of being nothing everything momentum

    Thank you for your perfect timing today…. for benevolent actioning of such clarity that do indeed serve this soul and many all who come close to you.
    Blessings and spiritual love flowing your way and for all souls 🙏
    Sorry fir moni dissertation soyls joy remembrances tends to flow in well roo many words 😀

  7. Thank you so much for this, Mary! I with you on this one as I often am! Happening to me now too. Growing up without the right of privacy, I guard it, and stress when threats appear. My breath is helping me release fear; helping me see it for what it is – just fear, not real, not needed now.

    As I write these words, I am reminded of the famous David Whyte poem, “The House of Belonging.” Here is David with his poem. Godspeed always! Sky Ann



  8. Mary O’Malley….YOU ARE AMAZING!!! You just keep meeting and meeting those disturbances like a champ! What a tremendous inspiration you are to me!!! I love following your journey!! You are mastering life!!
    I love following your work and your heart!!

    So much light and love!!!

  9. It is lovely to hear such a beautiful point of view in the face of such invasion. From your words, I understand that Dread can be an amazing ally.

  10. I honor the path you are walking on. I hear so much love, courage, and acceptance. My prayer for your next phase of life is to learn through joy. I wish that for myself as well. A warm hug to you Mary.