
My Mad, Resistant Mind

Recovering from my third spine surgery, I am not bouncing back like I have from the others. It could possibly be that I am dealing with cancer and chemotherapy at the same time, both of which have the side effect of fatigue. 

Deep cellular fatigue is very scary to our minds. We all take our energy for granted and when it is not here, like in my life right now, it is a seismic shift in our experience of life. At this point I cannot garden like I used to; I can just putter for a bit. I have to save my energy up to go to the store. If friends visit, it has to be for a limited amount of time. 

And my meditations have shifted, both in a very challenging way but also in a very healing way. For the first time since I began meditating decades ago, when I sit and close my eyes my mind says something like this, “I don’t want to do this. I just want to get lost in the world of doing. Don’t ask me to be present for all of the challenges in my body, my mind and my emotions. I would rather just sink into a bathtub full of chocolate!” 

But I have a powerful little statement I say, which gets me out of identifying with my resistant mind and all its struggles – “Without changing anything, notice what is here.” Sometimes it takes a few minutes before I remember this magical statement but when I do, it allows me to step back and notice what is happening right now. I can then relate to my mind rather than from it. Or as Mickey Singer, author of Untethered Soul says, “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.” 

When my attention is trapped in my rebellious, resistant mind, it is just suffering. When I can step back and see what it’s doing, the space it brings allows my heart to finally get a word in edge wise. I cannot tell you the joy that comes when I move from the hell of resistance to the heaven of my heart saying to my mind, “I see that you are scared. Of course, you are. I am here with you, and you are not alone.” 

Our minds are just like us. When they are met exactly as they are, they calm down. Because my attention is no longer trapped in my mind, and because meeting my mind exactly as it is opens my heart, I can now, with some comings and goings, be present for my experience. And this is what the fear in my mind needs. It’s what the deep fatigue needs. It is what the pain from the surgery needs – the healing balm of my attentive heart.  

If this calls to you, play with this magical statement. You do not have to use it just during meditation. You can ask it when you are waiting at the doctor’s office, or sitting on bus, or watching tv or during your daily walk. If you allow it, it will invite you into being open to your life exactly as it is in this moment. Maybe what you notice are the sounds around you or maybe you notice the support beneath you that is holding you, or maybe you notice some anxiousness in your chest or a crick in your neck or maybe you notice a story of fear in your head. In each of these moments your mind, your body, and your heart are all in the same place at the same time. And that is our deepest longing – to have our attention freed up from our busy minds so it can notice life and discover how to meet it exactly as it is!   

If you would like to know more about how to access what is offered in this blog, please consider joining us for Mary’s What’s in Your Way IS the Way interactive online course starting September 22, 2021. Stay tuned for course specials. 

  1. What a wonderfully honest and inspiring post. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through such a challenging time but so impressed with how you’re dealing with it. Your phrase “Without changing anything, notice what is here”, is such a useful one for, as you say, so many situations in our lives. Thank you for that gift!
    I wish you strength and courage on your current journey and feel sure you will emerge into a brighter place.

  2. Hi Mary,
    You are such an inspiration to me! The reminders to meet the mind right where it is and to be with it is magical! I love the part, “your mind, your body and your heart are all in the same place at the same time.”
    Sending you lots of healing light and love! You set great examples for us all!!
    Hugs, Abbi

    1. I’m so happy my experience is making a difference. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Mary, What an inspiration you are. I am praying for you. Thank you for sharing this. I am taking a course and an “I am aware of” meditation or mantra was introduced. I have been using it when I get stuck in my head and when I remember, to do it, it pulls me to the present and where I actually am. Thank you so much,

    Living kindness to you,

    1. Thank you, Linda. I like knowing my words are making a difference for you. Be light!

  4. Mary you are just awesome❤️
    Sending you healing thoughts and a gentle hug
    During your recovery.

    Peace to you

  5. Mary, thank you. You are a beautiful
    Soul! The depth of your words reach me this morning and bring wisdom. Sending you Love and Light.

  6. Dear Heart Mary, Thank you for your courage in continuing on and sharing that caring courage with each of us. It is so welcome! It is so needed! And so are you! I am having a very stressful experience right now, and it brings all of my strong fears forward. But I was just sitting and wondering what the value could be. I have seen this before when I have given into the fear. This time could be different. I am different. And yes, “without changing anything, notice what is here.” And here is always a different time, and a different place. That is how the spirit grows in goodness and mercy. God willing, as they say, and God is always willing! May God bless you and keep you always. With Love, Sky Ann

  7. Thank you Mary. Your book “What’s In The Way Is The Way” came to me at the perfect time. I am so grateful for your work and your consciousness. This blog is again the medicine my soul needs. Thank you for sharing your magical statement. “Without changing anything, notice what is here.” Wow! I will work with that. Uncoupling my attention from the compelling need to take action allows the fear to dissolve and presence to be restored. Thank you for opening me to the “healing balm of my attentive heart.”

  8. Many blessings to you Mary. You are an inspiration. Thanks for your generosity to write while you are through so challenging times and being able to shine the presence within you.

    Without changing any thing, what I notice is here!

    Love the question, very profound. Thank you, with love

  9. Thank you so much for this Mary – it’s more timely than you know. My heart is with you.