
My Stomp, Stomp Mind

As I am dealing with some big health challenges, sometimes my mind gets really mad, stomping its foot and saying this is not fair. 

Sometimes my mind also: 

Feels envy of other people who seem to take their health for granted. 

Makes big things out of little things (chemo amplifies this). 

Pouts. It says why me, and this is all too much.    

At moments it becomes so overwhelmed it wants to just crawl under the covers forever. 

Follows the idea of being a victim like a dog chasing its tail. 

Gets anxious but judges itself for being scared. 

Wants to immerse itself in a bath of really fine chocolate. 

Is overtaken for moments by deep despair. 

Wants to get as far away from the despair even though it knows resisting only prolongs it. 

Tries to think its way out of the predicament, which only gets me caught more deeply in the quicksand of struggle. 

Is so noisy, my heart can’t get a word in edgewise. 

Before I started awakening, I didn’t want anybody to know I had those kinds of thoughts, but they are a part of being human. And they aren’t here just because I am having health challenges. These kinds of thoughts come and go for most of us, but they become more evident when you are dealing with big challenges.  

They are nothing to be ashamed of. I want to say that again. They are nothing to be ashamed of. This is just how minds talk, especially when they are scared. If you walked into a room where everybody’s thoughts could be heard over a loudspeaker, you would see what I am talking about.  

When I can recognize, with great compassion, the struggles in my mind and not take them personally, they pass through me much more quickly. And then I know: 

I can thank my mind for sharing its struggles, but I don’t have to follow it down the rabbit hole. 

Instead, it’s time to open my breath for when I am in struggle my breath is shallow and tight.  

These challenges are for me. They are tailor-made to show me how to unhook from struggle. 

Whatever I am experiencing is requesting the healing balm of my heart.  

Magic happens when I can soften and open around whatever is here. 

There is not one single part of me that doesn’t deserve to be met with kindness. 

My body needs the wisdom of my heart rather than the reactions of my mind. 

I am not alone in whatever pain I’m experiencing. There are millions of people at that moment who are also experiencing the same thing. 

There is help within me that is always available.   

The struggles in my mind are a dream laid over the diamond like perfection of the moment – no matter what it is.   

Thank you, cancer, for being my wise and benevolent (but sometimes fierce) teacher. 

  1. What a beautiful soul you truly are, not praise but recognition, appreciating your for open magnificent heart, caring to be found sharing; all that is valuable as a diamond, this shining, radiating of the souls incognito unlimited facets of eternal life, lives.

    In connection of ones soul this being in relationship with experiencing our earth minds.

    Unlimited blessings dear soul called Mary, blessings and purest love for soul you and all you connect with.

  2. I love your openness, it has helped me tremendously. I read portions of your book so often to realign with the belief that life is FOR me. I thank you so much!

  3. Bless you Mary for helping us see that everything in life (including, maybe especially, the brutal ones like cancer) is an opportunity to grow closer to our true selves. You are the bodhisattva of our age, and I am infinitely grateful to join you in this journey.

  4. Wishing you peace Mary, a quieting mind… a courageous, compassionate heart. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability & honesty ☮️🤟🏼💚

  5. Mary,
    The light in me bows to the light in you.
    Sending a healing hug this morning.

  6. What’s in the way cancer, is the way to Compassion,
    Trust in God highest power there is.

  7. Thank you Mary!!! Your book “What’s in the Way is the Way” is one of the best books I’ve ever read and it helped me navigate through some pretty hard times (and still does). Your Newsletter is so encouraging and inspiring and so often helps me calming down my scared mind.

  8. Dear Mary, my mind gas been stomping too, for different reasons. Thanks for putting things into perspective, as you always seem to do for me.

    You have been an incredible teacher to me. The lessons I learned from our time together at Unity of Bellevue, in Hawaii on retreats in Wood Valley, and at your homes in Kirkland, have stayed with me and have guided me through some of the toughest experiences of my life.

    I will always consider you my spiritual guru and I pray that you will be with us a long time to come.


    1. I am truly touched! It warms my heart to know my journey helps others. Be light!

  9. Bless you, Mary, for your post today. It seems to me that all of your teachings have led you to this unavoidable place of being present in a space you would prefer to avoid, and in surrendering to the chaos and disorder, coming back again and again to your heart space; the heart space that is always reserved for our feelings, for our love, for our lives and spirits.

    When our hearts hurt, we are heard; when we are heard, we know we are very very loved. Your teachings lead the way for you, for me, and for so many of us. Blessings to you always, Mary. Sky Ann

    “Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.” ― Ram Dass

    1. Love your comments as always. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your journey.

  10. “Whatever I am experiencing is requesting the healing balm of my heart.”

    Yes. Thank you, Mary! Sending hugs for your ongoing health challenges,


  11. Hang in there dear Mary. My thoughts are with you and I benefit from your sharing of your hours. Love and light.
    Holly C.

  12. Thank you Mary for all your teachings, you are an inspiration of resilience and wisdom. My prayers and love to you. God bless you!