
Falling in Love With You

I continue to be taught through the great wisdom and challenges of cancer, chemo and being a Covid long-hauler. Of all the gifts I have received in this fierce but benevolent journey, the gift of my heart opening, even more, outshines all the others. Since last summer, life has asked me to listen deeply so I can gather all I have learned about the heart’s wisdom into one simple, but powerful online course called Falling in Love with You. 

Most of the moments of my life, I am grateful to be this deeply challenged because whether we know it or not our deepest longing is to have the armoring around our hearts loosened so we can again live from the beauty, insight, and wisdom of our hearts.  

Now that I am engaged with recording each week’s message for the course, my heart is just singing. I am so grateful that I get to share this message with you so it can ripple out to our world, which is so in need of heart wisdom.    

I want to share with you a bit of the introduction so whether you decide to become a part of the course or not, you will be reminded that our deepest longing is to come home to our hearts, and it is in our hearts that our world will be healed.  

Welcome to Falling in Love with You. 

I invite you to notice what happened inside of you when you heard those words. Falling in love with you! Was there some resistance to them? Maybe some hopefulness? Maybe some joy? Maybe even some confusion about what it means? 

Whatever arose inside of you, in your heart of hearts, you long to come home to your heart. You long to become your own best friend. It is the most radically healing thing you can do for yourself, for your friends and loved ones, and for the world. But we all have a lot of armoring around our hearts, armoring that at times can feel impenetrable. But as you learn the art of lifting that armoring, you will discover the safety of having your heart open again, both to yourself and to life. 

So, we are going on a journey together into the heart of the matter, your beautiful, wise, inclusive heart. On this journey, we will look at how amazing your heart is and how so many of the things you long for in life are accessed with your heart. We will then examine the deeply conditioned beliefs that say it is not okay to live from your heart, such as it is selfish, or it will make you weak and unmotivated.  

Then we will explore how you came to be so far away from your heart. What was it in your life that caused your heart to close, most especially to yourself? And how can you safely open your heart again? 

One of the most important pieces, in your heart opening, is how you were trained to be judgmental with yourself. So we will explore how this happened and how you can unhook from the self-judging mind that can cause so much heartache in your life. It is also important to see that you keep your heart closed by our collective addiction to judging others. So we will look at how to take care of yourself without having to judge others.  

We will then delve into the magic of mindfulness, an essential ingredient on this journey back home to yourself and to life. For attention heals! When you can be present for whatever you are experiencing, the doorway of your heart opens. 

As these pieces come together, we will explore how you can access your heart even when things are really challenging like being sick, or you just lost a loved one, or your heart is breaking over the ending of a relationship, or your child is on drugs, or you just had an automobile accident. We will also discover how to meet all the difficult thoughts, feelings, and sensations that arise when we are challenged by life.  

And finally, we will explore that life is not inviting you into this heart healing just for yourself. The more your heart thaws like ice under the gaze of the sun, it begins to warm again, not only for yourself but for all beings who inhabit this beautiful planet we call home. You then become a healing presence in the world for the world needs your heart.  

As you let these words in, I invite you to tenderly place a hand over your heart and ask life to show you how to come home to your heart, not only for your own healing but for the healing of our world. Every moment you are kind to yourself or meet another with compassion, you have taken our poor beleaguered world another step into the healing that is ready for. 

If this calls to you, enroll in my new interactive online course beginning March 30th, Falling in Love with You. If you want to know more, watch my Masterclass overview. Enroll by March 16th and receive $150 off tuition with coupon code: filwy4$150off. Contact devrah@maryomalley.com for more info.  

  1. Hello,

    I have already paid for the course (March 4th). I have not received confirmation from you that I am registered.

    Thank you for any information.

    1. Thank you for reaching out! You have been added to the course. Please look for a subscribe email so you don’t miss any emails regarding the course.

  2. So beautifully expressed and very helpful guidance. Thank you Mary! I have so much appreciation for your manner of teaching. In spite of all of your challenges, you keep your heart open. That inspires me. Much love and gratitude to you dear precious soul.