
The Path to Love

As I was writing my new book this summer, I rediscovered a favorite quote of mine from Deepak Chopra that highlights the truth that underneath all the busyness and struggles of our mind, our essence is Love. No matter what is happening in your life, even if it looks like it’s all falling apart, you are, step-by-step, being brought home to the truth of love:

“All of us need to believe that we are loved and lovable. We began life with confidence on both points, but over time our certainty clouded. When you look at yourself today, can you still make the two statements every infant could if it had the words?

I am completely loved.
I am completely lovable.

Few people can, for looking at yourself honestly you see flaws that make you less than completely lovable and less than perfectly loved. Yet in a deeper sense, what you call flaws are really just the scars of hurts and wounds accumulated over a lifetime. When you look at yourself you don’t see the truth that endures despite all hurt:  You were created to be completely loved and completely lovable for your whole life.

In a way it is amazing that you do not realize this, because underneath everything you think and feel, innocence is still intact. Time cannot blemish your essence. But if you lose sight of this essence, you will mistake yourself for your experiences. Therefore, you find yourself experiencing only so much love and only so much lovability. This can change.

Although you perceive yourself in limited terms, as a mind and a body confined in time and space, there is a wealth of spiritual teaching that says otherwise. In spirit you are unbounded by time and space, untouched by experience. In spirit you are pure love.

The reason you do not feel completely loved and completely lovable is that you do not identify with your spiritual nature. Your sense of love has lost one thing it cannot afford to do without: the truth that your essence is Love. What would it be like to restore this lost part of yourself?

In our deepest nature each person is meant to be the hero or heroine of an eternal love story. The story begins in innocence, with a baby’s birth and it climaxes in the same knowledge that a baby began with, although it couldn’t voice that knowledge: I am love.

You know that you have fully experienced love when you turn into love–that is the spiritual goal of life.

The aching need created by lack of love can only be filled by learning anew to love and be loved. All of us must discover for ourselves that love is a force as real as gravity, and that being upheld in love every day, every hour, every minute is not a fantasy-it is intended as our natural state.”

May we all have the courage to step into the truth of Love, not only for ourselves but for the healing of our planet!

  1. Thank you for the gift you have for being able to articulate through your writing such Truth. I am on this beautiful journey of recognizing myself as Love and I’m fully committed to it. I believe it really is the only way to the freedom I want to experience as life here.

  2. Thank you, for this, Mary. “Time cannot blemish your essence.” And yes, spending time breathing and watching my breath and my thoughts as your work has taught. Learning about myself and my creation often gifts me with hope and love and light. If we look at Creation, all of the billions of pieces fit together like a well worn glove. I am part of that great creation as we each are. As it is often said, we are spiritual beings living a human life. I reach for gratitude and find it to be the life force of myself and my heart. God bless you always, Mary! Sky Ann