
Journey to the Mountain of Being 4

This is the last excerpt from my new book A Journey to the Mountain of Being. It happens when is she has finally made it to The Mountain of Being. Out of all of her experiences on the mountain, I chose this section because it points to the core intention of the book, to wake up enough people out of the illusion of struggle so that they can be present for life, becoming a part of the healing of our planet.

“The next day, as she continues up the mountain, the weather is clear and she takes many pauses so her mind can quiet and her heart open, remembering all the truths this journey is bringing to her. With this spacious view, she realizes she will never be quite as lost again as she was in the valley and her trust in the living process of her life is deepening in a very organic way.

It finally makes sense to her what Einstein meant when he said, “The most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe friendly?’” In other words, is it for her? Of course, her conditioned mind would say, “Heck no!” It has proof that it is not friendly because it oftentimes gives her what she doesn’t want and doesn’t give her what she does. But who she really is knows that the universe will give her exactly what she needs in order to see her struggling mind enough that she isn’t seduced into its world so she can be intimately and joyously present for life exactly as it is.

As she eats her lunch, settling onto the most comfortable rock she can find, she feels some tickles on her leg and when she looks down, she sees a couple of ants eagerly making their way up her calf. Because her initial reaction is to resist, she immediately stands up and stomps her leg to dislodge the ants. But curiosity overcomes her aversion, and she moves only one rock over so she can watch this community of industrious ants that are busily going about their lives.

As she observes, she remembers reading about ants in one of her science classes and being stunned that they create such healthy communities. They all work together for the good of the whole! She laughs when she realizes that human beings can learn a lot from ants!

When she lets the word community roll around in her head, she realizes it means ‘with unity’ and that is how she’s beginning to perceive life. As her imagination goes back to the beginning of life on this planet, she sees it has always been a process of coming together into ever-increasing communities. First, the ‘stuff’ from the Big Bang came into the amazing community called an atom. Then atoms came into the amazing community called a molecule. Then molecules came into the amazing community called a cell. And then cells came into the amazing communities of multi-celled beings.

Her time on the mountain has shown her that the next coming together is happening in human consciousness, in the recognition that this whole planet is one integrated community with absolutely everything necessary and sacred. She bows her head in gratitude with the realization that she is a place where the culmination of creativity is becoming aware of itself!

Her heart begins to contract when she sees most of life on this planet is the opposite of co–unity, but a quiet whisper from her heart reminds her that this is where life is headed. She sees her body is made up of smaller components all working together to create a functioning whole, and when all the systems work in harmony, it fosters health and growth. The Earth is also one body, and we are finally recognizing and addressing the systems that are not functioning well, causing such chaos in the world.

She sees that as we evolve, more and more people will be following the inclination of the universe – to come together into communities. As individuals learn how to become a community unto themselves by loving themselves exactly as they are, this will open them into co—unity with nature. They will realize that even though they see rocks, trees, animals, and birds as separate beings, they all are a part of a living system, a system that they are part of too. It finally makes sense that seeing life as one whole reveals how deeply it is speaking the truth of love in every moment.

As more and more people feel respect for every particle of life, they will more easily be able to care for the community of their family, their local community, and the community of life itself and then our whole planet will become integrated as one sacred community. When they look at life from these eyes, they will not be able to do any harm to themselves, to fellow human beings, even the ones they have the most difficulty with. They are all unique and necessary expressions of life, playing the part that life had given them.

Radiance begins to vibrate all throughout her being, reminding her that she is a part of this awakening of human beings who are learning how to resonate with life rather than being caught in the kind of mind that has caused so much suffering on this planet.”

  1. Thank you for sharing these excerpts, Mary. I love getting these universal truths of our current evolution in the form of this story. Blessings to you.

  2. Blessings to you, Mary, for sharing your wonderful story! It is a story from your heart and soul for all of us to listen for and learn from. You bring it to us from the breath of your life, breathing into our lives. It is respect for the breath that is the first teaching I learned from you, and I am still learning. And yes, One World One Love. God bless you! Sky Ann