
Inspiration from Mary

Underneath all of the busyness in our lives, what we truly long for is to just be. Even though it is one of the most profound things a human being can do, most of us don’t know how to be. Our minds are usually planning what is going to happen, rehashing what did happen and struggling with everything else in between. We love to acquire and do, fix and achieve, attain and figure out. There is nothing wrong with all of these except that when they become our primary mode of existence, they cut us off from the astounding healing of simply being.
When we relearn how to simply be, we begin to discover moments in which our minds, our bodies and our hearts are all in the same place at the same time. These moments hold the power to heal us at our core. The more we cultivate them, the more connected we become. The more connected we become, the more we live from the wellspring within us that holds all of the clarity, peace, wisdom, and joy that we long for. We then learn how to use our doing, fixing, achieving mind when we need it, allowing it to fade into the background again as we discover the truth and the beauty of life as it iright here and right now.

  1. Dear Mary

    Thank you for the very inspirational words you share here.

    I come to think of my morning prayer that I have written under inspiration from reading and working with your wonderful book and other writings her on your webside. My morning prayer help me on my journey to reconnect with myself, with life and to relearn how to simply be.

    I feel inspired to share this prayer with you.


    Morning prayer

    Let my heart embrace and rejoice the gift of a new day.

    Let me remember to meet everything today with love and acceptance – internal feelings and sensations as well as external events and situations – as the gifts and guides they really are. I’ll meet and experience nothing that is not me.

    Let me remember that resisting and rejecting lead to nothing but suffering.

    Let me choose to trust life, trust the wisdom of the universe and remember to welcome everything as a choice of mine.

    Let me meet all parts of myself and others with love and acceptance … for love and acceptance is the true healer and the manure needed for everything to open op, unfold, and grow.

    Let me be grateful for the life that is mine, the path I have to go, everything that is me given and everything I have to give.

    Thank you and good morning.