
Working with Resistance

The 3 qualities of mind that help us see through the struggling self are curiosity, compassion and living in questions.  I think it is helpful to understand that the words welcoming and spaciousness both speak to the movement of compassion and can be cultivated even if compassion seems unavailable.  Welcoming is what the second question is all about..”For this moment can I let them be here?”

May we all come to know that everything inside of us that we resist is truly something that is there to awaken us into consciousness.  And may we know that everything we have resisted is something that longs for our acceptance and attention.

  1. It is by far the greatest challenge for me to meet pain (especially psychological and spiritual pain) with acceptance and without trying to remove it – it calls upon all my courage and all my love ….. work in progress though :o)


  2. Dear Karin,
    It is a great challenge, and the good news is that the greatest challenges hold the greatest gifts. I honor your courage and dedication to doing your inner work.
    Be light,